Also: You're laughing. "Joker 2" won't even get close to making more than "Morbius" and you're laughing. Also also: Could "The Substance" ... ACTUALLY get Oscar nominations?
Wow I did not realize Juror #2 wasn't getting a wide release. Reviews I saw said it's the most entertaining Eastwood movie in a while (which is a WHILE).
Yeah, the early word is that it's quite good – and the trailer was well-received. Warner Bros just ... didn't want to try. Not gonna say it was gonna be a blockbuster, but surely would do better than THIS.
I imagine he'll show up; studios love team-ups today, even if one of the two involved is a dud. (Though Venom/Tom Hardy is still a value-add to a movie.) Add in that it's made $400 million worldwide, and I'd be amazed if he doesn't show up for SM4.
Wow I did not realize Juror #2 wasn't getting a wide release. Reviews I saw said it's the most entertaining Eastwood movie in a while (which is a WHILE).
Yeah, the early word is that it's quite good – and the trailer was well-received. Warner Bros just ... didn't want to try. Not gonna say it was gonna be a blockbuster, but surely would do better than THIS.
I just hope Venom's so-so performance ensures that he won't be appearing in Spider-Man 4 after all...but then again, China money talks
I imagine he'll show up; studios love team-ups today, even if one of the two involved is a dud. (Though Venom/Tom Hardy is still a value-add to a movie.) Add in that it's made $400 million worldwide, and I'd be amazed if he doesn't show up for SM4.